Tara Claeys

Tara Claeys

With a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, Tara Claeys began her career in advertising and marketing. After her first child was born, she supplemented her full-time job as mom with illustration and stationery design for clients around the world. Her extensive marketing background and understanding of business quickly became her focus. Tara now designs and builds websites for clients — so they can actually work on their own business — with her agency, Design TLC.

She’s given presentations on essential tools for productivity (her passion), as well as sharing examples of websites she has built with WordPress, and panel discussions on freelance work. Tara organizes her local WordPress meetup and enjoys traveling to WordCamp conferences. Along with Liam Dempsey, Tara uncovers the stories of people in the WordPress community in their podcast “Hallway Chats.”

When Tara isn’t redesigning websites, she can be found volunteering for a nonprofit, running, challenging you to get out of your comfort zone, taking piano lessons, or vacationing with her family.

Be sure to say hello on Twitter at @TaraClaeys and check out her websites taraclaeys.com and designtlc.com.


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