Speaker Spotlight: Reed Gustow

Reed has been working with WordPress for 2 years or so, making websites and teaching, and I’m the Principal of a web development company, Delta Angel. He’s the co-leader of the Web Design group of the Philadelphia Area Computer Society and a board member of the Philadelphia Area New Media Association.

Reed will be giving a presentation in the Power User Track titled: Custom menus and navigation

What are you speaking about at WordCamp Philly?
I’ll be doing two workshops at the Beginner level – In the morning session, I’ll show the key features and options for creating content, and in the afternoon, the key administrative options for managing your site. Also, I’ll teach an intermediate level session on customizing menus and navigation, using the Twenty Ten theme as a model.
What is your favorite thing about the city of Philadelphia?
We have an amazing community of tech/creative people who share information, put on wonderful events, and improve the quality of life for everyone.
Why do you love WordPress?
WordPress is flexible and useful to many different kinds of people: bloggers, developers, designers, content producers, and people in business; it also has a reasonable learning curve for such a powerful platform.

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