Sponsor Spotlight: Create My Voice

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Is your blog being heard? Create My Voice will make your blog available on Amazon’s smart speaker, Alexa. Why use voice technology? Smart speakers are already changing how we interacts with content.

A study done by NPR and Edison Research said 71 percent of smart speaker owners listen to more audio than they did before, 30 percent of them are replacing time spent with other electronic devices with their smart speakers, and 92 percent said that they listen along with others in their household.

With Alexa already in homes, cars, hotel rooms, laptops, and phones, having your blog available on a smart speaker is becoming essential. Create My Voice will write a skill (Amazon’s version of an app) for you, specific to your brand so you can join the voice technology community.

Be on the cutting edge and share your content louder!

Thank you to Create My Voice for being a WordCamp Philly Gold sponsor! Learn more at https://createmyvoice.com/.

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