Thank You to Our Terrific Speakers and Volunteers

the tip of a pen writing the words Thank YOu

WordCamp Philly 2018 was a huge success, with nearly 400 tickets sold and a record number of speaker applications. The organizing team is thrilled with how smoothly the conference ran.

As our local WordPress conference winds down, we want to thank to more than 35 track speakers, panelists and moderators who dedicated their time and energy to share their insights and experiences with us . We know how much effort it takes to prepare for these talks. On behalf of the entire WordPress community, thank you!

No WordCamp would run smoothly without the generous contributions of the two dozen volunteers who worked to check people into the conference; hand out swag, stickers, and badges; assist with AV; provide tech support at the Happiness Bar; and so much more. We’re deeply grateful for the gift of their time and talent to our community.

Thank you to every one of our speakers and volunteers!

We hope all of you, our speakers and volunteers, can relax a while and appreciate your hard work. We hope to see you again for WordCamp Philly 2019!

WordCamp Philly is over. Check out the next edition!