Alyssa Hogan
Alyssa is a Web and Media Specialist at the University of Pennsylvania. She loves Philadelphia, WordCamps, iced coffee, crossword puzzles, and roaming the city with her wife and 2-year-old son.
Philadelphia, PA | @alyssabhogan
Amy Letson
Amy designs and builds websites for the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University. She’s been volunteering at WordCamp Philly for several years and co-organizes the Philly WordPress meetup. Amy has a thing for cameras, fine art, 🌸 gardens, Assam tea, voter education and access, and web accessibility.
Philadelphia, PA | @accessamy
Dave Russell
Dave is a retired chemical engineer who has been doing cool stuff with computers since 1964. In recent times he learned how to create and maintain websites and has more recently enjoyed the advantages of using WordPress to achieve a superior result.
Springfield, PA |@drussell17
Don Reid
Don Reid Jr. is a designer at Coyote Web Design. He enjoys DJing, traveling and cycling.
Philadelphia, PA | @donreidjr
Donna Botti
Donna is a speaker and the owner of Delos Incorporated, providing websites and digital marketing strategy and implementation to businesses and nonprofits who want to grow their online presence. She enjoys hanging out with her family, the outdoors, and Italian wine.
Collegeville, PA | @DonnaBotti | delosinc.com
Erica Varlese
Erica is a Philadelphia-based Community Wrangler at Automattic. She loves travel, learning languages, coffee, and all things related to that her home state across the river, New Jersey.
Philadelphia, PA | @ericavarlese
George Brodbeck
George is a designer and developer at Brodbeck Creative. Focusing mainly on websites built with WordPress, he has years of knowledge in computers and tech. He is a vegan and practices minimalism in his work and everyday life. Besides keeping busy, he also enjoys food, music, art, film, and philsophy as well as the constant pursuit of acquiring more knowledge.
Trenton, NJ | @BrodbeckCreativ | brodbeckcreative.com
Jason McClintock
Jason is a product designer at DigitalCube where his daily tasks include design, development, and customer support. He also enjoys the outdoors and printmaking.
Philadelphia, PA | @ohboyitsjason
Krystal Knapp
Krystal, a journalist, is the founding editor of the hyperlocal news website planetprinceton.com. She loves coffee, chai, chocolate, cheese, and long-distance cycling.
Princeton, NJ | @Krystal Knapp | @planetprinceton
Laura Byrne-Cristiano
After dabbling in FrontPage for a few years, Laura found WordPress in 2006 when she and a friend unexpectedly created a viral website. This led to a the new universe of skills from SEO, social media strategy, podcasting, event management, content marketing, and more. Today, she’s Bet Hannon Marketing’s content specialist. Originally from New York, Laura currently lives in Philly with her husband, Kevin, and dog, Scully.
Philadelphia, PA | @NewYorlerLaura | NewYorkerLaura.com
Michelle Enos
Michelle is a piano performer and teacher turned web developer, regularly building custom WordPress themes and plugins. When they’re not developing, Michelle enjoys hiking and backpacking, both in PA and in their home state of New Hampshire; engaging in political activism; and making music.
Philadelphia, PA | @crankysparrow | michelleenos.com
Rachel “Win” Winchester
As a UI/UX Designer, Win creates digital products for the arts and cultural industries. She designs various types of WordPress websites, website concepts, and digital marketing campaigns Her passion for art drives her to create digital products that can support the entire industry, especially artists themselves. Her latest project is fosterishere.com, a site for Philadelphia DJ Rebel Foster.
Philadelphia, PA | VisualWebmaster.com
Ruth Kalinka
Ruth is a content strategist, experience designer, connector, traveler, and polyglot with a love of travel, food, wine, holistic health, and happiness. She volunteers regularly for WordCamp (Philly, US, Europe), BarCamp Philly, and Women in Tech Summit Northeast.
Philadelphia, PA | @RuthKalinka
Tom Carney
Tom is the WordPress Developer at Snapbox Storage in Philadelphia, PA. He has been designing and developing custom WordPress themes and plugins since 2009. He loves speaking on WordPress, Gutenberg blocks and React/Redux development. When not designing/developing on the web, you can find him at a Philly sporting event, concert or the latest movie in the theaters.
Springfield, PA | @tecdoc
Yardell Perkins
Yardell is a former IT hardware and sysadmin geek who got burnt out on the idea of keeping up with all of the little things necessary to perform proper hardware and sysadmin work. He set out to reinvent himself as a software geek and was able to do so largely through WordPress. When he’s not further self-educating himself in proper software work, he exercises, reads or volunteers his time to organizations and causes he believes in and feels that he may be of some benefit to.
Philadelphia, PA | @perkitech