EasyWP, Namecheap’s best-value managed WordPress hosting, is offering 50 WordCamp Philly participants the chance to win $10 of credit to spend on EasyWP or any other Namecheap products of their choice. All you have to do is the following:
Step 1: Go to www.namecheap.com and create a Namecheap Account for free
Step 2: Email the EasyWP team at contest@namcheap.com clearly stating your Namecheap account ID (not your password, just the user ID), and the following promotional code: ‘WORDPHILLY’.
Step 3: The EasyWP team will select 50 participants at random who have submitted their Namecheap account ID and the promotional code, and credit their Namecheap accounts with $10 each within 72 hours. The credit can be used towards purchasing an EasyWP plan or for any other Namecheap products.
*The deadline for attendees to enter the contest will be September 30. Terms and conditions apply. See details on Contests & Prizes here.