Lightning Round: Developer Topics

Web Components in WordPress

Creating a consistent look across an organization can be hard when applications are written in multiple frameworks. This talk will cover how you can utilize web components in your WordPress application. By using web components you can standardize the look across properties in your organization.

  • Scott Wittrock

    Scott Wittrock is a product manager at Banno, a digital banking platform providing banking apps to local banks and credit unions. He is also a developer and entrepreneur launching many apps over his career. Most recently, he has been working launching a meal planning business to help nutritionists connect more with their clients. He’s been in Philadelphia for the last two years. When he’s not working, you’ll find him hiking or playing pickleball.


Pattern Libraries for the Non-Designers

Some people call them design systems or pattern libraries. Either way they seem to be the province of designers and something that is just handed to developers. But what if you work more or less alone, having the job of both builder and designer, making decisions about design for clients all on your own, or your designer doesn’t supply enough information to easily test. A pattern library can stream-line your process by showing you and your clients a site-wide system of recurring or common design options: colors, fonts, buttons, testimonials, call outs, etc. Without including distracting content or navigation structure, it makes for easier approval of design elements.

  • Kerch McConlogue

    Kerch McConlogue is a retired ADHD coach and frontend developer. She has been writing code by hand for 20 years and using WordPress since version 1.5. Her passion is helping WordPress novices to understand the basic care and feeding of their own sites and to get them past their fears of breaking the internet. A one-person shop building sites mainly for small to midsized businesses, she handles a lot of the design work.


WordPress in a Headless World

WordPress has been a key part of the development of today’s web, but with the rise of the JAMstack, where does WordPress fit in? This talk will cover about how WordPress compares to the headless options available today and how WordPress is still one of the more powerful solutions available for a great CMS experience.

  • Colby Fayock

    Colby Fayock is a lead front end engineer and UX designer at Element 84 in Alexandria, Virginia. He’s passionate about tackling challenges that can help save people’s lives and make the world a better place. Some of the projects Colby and his team have worked on include NASA and commercial satellite mapping interfaces, video streaming on multiple platforms, and helping first responders with disaster response solutions.



WordCamp Philly 2020 is over. Check out the next edition!