Sponsor Rooms With Events
Our amazing sponsors have all kinds of swag to give away, plus contests, additional talks, and demos. Many sponsors will also provide virtual booths where you can talk with them one-on-one.
WordCamp Philly is 9:15 am – 4:30 pm. Some of our sponsors are in their booths earlier. Sponsors will also be in their booths in-between specific programming.
All times are local to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. US EDT (UTC-4)

- The first 30 people who join our room get a swag pack!
- 10 am – 2 pm: We will have our core team on standby for website help.
- 12pm-1pm: Yappy Hour, bring your pet with you to our Zoom room for some fun.

- 10:45 – 11:15 am: GoDaddy Pro Craft for Rescue Dogs bring scissors and a t-shirt
- 12:30 – 1:30 pm: Demo and Happiness Bar
- 3:00 – 3:30 pm: Trivia with Adam

- 8:30 am – 3.30 pm: We’re here to answer all of your questions or simply say hi and send you greetings from the Netherlands! So make sure you stop by our virtual booth!
- 8:30 am – 9:00 am: “Wake up with Jono”- Jono will wake you up with his amazing energy and effective SEO tips during an SEO Q&A.
- 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm: Make sure you are there when Michiel Heijmans is going to give some practical tips on how to improve your website.
- 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Have some fun and join our Yoast quiz!

- 8:30 – 9 am: Nexcess Q&A – The Nexcess Team
- 10:45 – 11:15 am: 5 Go-To WordPress Plugins for 2020 – Russell Aaron
- 12:30 – 1:30 pm: Nexcess, News, and Cheesesteaks – Mendel Kurland, Christie Chirinos, and Jessica Frick with Guest Chef Brad Williams
- 3:00 – 3:30 pm: Every Site Can Be A Side Job With Affiliate Marketing – Saralyn Scherer

Swag at their booth, visit them!
- 8:30 – 9:00 am: WordPress Custom Fields: Common uses and best practices with Dan Sarria, Web Developer; Ouadie Limouni, Web Developer; Emily Rudolph, Web Developer
- 10:45 – 11:15 am: Yoast SEO: Why you shouldn’t chase the green light with Josh Gellock, SEO Specialist
- 12:30 – 1:30 pm: Website Accessibility: Why does it matter and ways to reach compliance with Jeremy Jones, Managing Director of Hammer Marketing
- 3:00 – 3:30 pm: So you’ve built your website. What do you do next? With Jen Miletics, Digital Marketing Architect

- 8:30 – 10:45 am: Come by the WP Engine booth and chat about our products and WordPress with our team.
- 10:45 – 11:15 am: Come play Kahoot! trivia with us! The 1st place winner will receive a $100 Uber Eats gift card.
- 11:15 am – 12:30 pm: Come by the WP Engine booth and chat about our products and WordPress with our team.
- 12:30 – 1:30 pm: AMA with the engineering team behind the new Genesis block products. Chat with Nathan Rice, John Parris, Bryan Smith, and David Vogelpohl.
- 1:30 – 3:30 pm: Come by the WP Engine booth and chat about our products and WordPress with our team.
WP Engine Meeting ID: 921 5080 9147
WP Engine Passcode: WPEWCP20
Sponsors Without Rooms
Visit these sponsor pages to get exclusive offers, coupons and more.

Ionos: See hosting deals

Siteground: Various special hosting offers

WP Buffs: Several great discounts on their products and a coupon code for free stickers from their store that were made exclusively for this event

WebDev will host a special, virtual WordPress Help Desk event on September 30, 2020 at noon EDT, exclusively for WordCamp Philly attendees. Ask us anything about WordPress. We’re here to help.
Join us on Zoom: https://wds.ai/WDS-WP-Help
Meeting ID: 885 4773 5761
Passcode: 622395
(Attendance is limited to 100 people at one time.)

Maintainn: Save 10% on any maintenance and/or hosting plan with quarterly billing at Maintainn. Use discount code Philly2020. Valid from September 26, 2020 to September 26, 2021.

EasyWP: Attendees get $10 of credit to purchase Namecheap products, including EasyWP.

Virtina: They will have offers of up to 25% off for services using attendee ID and promo code “VIRTINA25.” Get a FREE consultation, strategy, and eCommerce Roadmap for their business from our experts.

Rather Inventive: Inventive Marketing Club (IMC) Annual Membership 50% discount
Local Boosters
Want to support local Philly WordPress-centric and WordPress Community Members’ businesses? Check out what our local boosters can offer from design, development, IT solutions, SEO, accessibility, photography, career advice, swag, and so much more!
Presentations on WordPress
Meet Attendees, Network, Get Help with WordPress
- Meet and chat with our speakers after their presentations
- Hang out with other members of the community
- Get help and advice for your WordPress website at our help desk