Speaker Spotlight: Brian Richards

Brian is the creator of the StartBox theme framework, a long time designer, avid photographer, and general all-around nice guy. He’s been using WordPress since 2007 and have helped launch well over 60 WP-powered sites over the last 4 years.

Brian will be giving a presentation in the Designer Track titled: A base framework won’t box you in

What are you speaking about at WordCamp Philly?
Frameworks Don’t Box You In — A look at the rapid development and extreme flexibility you gain by building things exactly the same every time. Many people have formed the misconception that frameworks are very stringent, sterile development tools. I know from experience, however, that they provide and amazing launching pad for extreme creativity. Using just CSS I’ll demonstrate how you can take a vanilla install of StartBox and produce a beautiful and unique site.
What is your favorite thing about the city of Philadelphia?
Having never visited, I’m going to say my favorite thing is visiting somewhere new. It sounds like a really cool town with a lively and varied atmosphere.
Why do you love WordPress?
WordPress offers an unmatchable level of customizability and ease of usability, both for myself and my clients. The massive community is amazing — constantly producing training resources, plugins, themes and more — is tremendously helpful and inspiring. I can’t imagine building with or using any other platform.

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