Speaker Spotlight: Dre Armeda

Andres “Dre” Armeda, CISSP is a web designer with a security habit. Dre is the founder of CubicTwo, a web solutions company. He gets his web security fix as Co-Founder of Sucuri Security.

CubicTwo is a web solutions company based in Riverside County, California. CubicTwo stemmed from over 10 years of consulting and creating web and graphics solutions.

Sucuri is a security company that concentrates on being the leader in web integrity monitoring and web malware removal. Sucuri offers web integrity monitoring and alerting capabilities to small, large, and enterprise web networks.

Follow @dremeda on Twitter, or say hi at dre.im.

Dre will be giving a presentation in the Power User Track titled: WordPress End-User Security

What are you speaking about at WordCamp Philly?
I am giving a go at a strategic approach to WordPress End-User Security. It starts well before your site is online, and it’s important to think big picture.
What is your favorite thing about the city of Philadelphia?
That’s an easy one, Brad Williams is my favorite thing about Illy Philly, Cheese Steaks are a close 2nd 😀
Why do you love WordPress?
A better question would be what do you not love about WordPress, it’s more challenging to answer 🙂
WordPress is more than a platform, its a way of life. It’s a community, a vibe, a connection between all things right on the web and open source software. These are the core things I love about WordPress, the list can get really long if I keep going!

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