Tech and Art Mingle with the Practical in the WC Philly Designer Track

Seven speakers will share their expertise in WordPress techniques, creative tools and processes, not to mention evolving CSS, as part of the Designer track. Both designers and power users who want to build their skillsets will find useful topics at WordCamp Philly 2017 on October 28.

The talks include unraveling the mysteries of the WordPress theme template hierarchy; learning the proper way to add scripts and stylesheets; and learning the basics of CSS grids.

The sessions and speakers for the Designer track are:

Enqueueing Scripts and Styles

Presented by Paul Barthmaier in Designer.

WordPress relies on several programming languages to provide a solid, yet extensible, framework to build upon. The server-side language PHP does the heavy lifting behind the scenes to provide data to the browser. The browser employs client-side languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery to produce a rich and seemingly limitless user experience. At its core, WordPress already manages a long list of scripts and styles to produce a functioning web page. Many scripts and styles are included in WordPress core; others are added by plugins or themes. WordPress has built-in systems to keep track of all the scripts and styles, keep them from conflicting with each other, and use them in the correct order. In this talk you will learn how to tap into the system WordPress uses to manage the myriad scripts, and correctly load the scripts and styles you need so that WordPress can manage them efficiently. The method for adding scripts and styles to WordPress is essentially the same for both plugins and themes. In this talk, we will be customizing a child theme, but what you will learn is also applicable to building plugins. The proper way to add scripts and styles to your theme is to enqueue them in the functions.php file. The details of how to do this depend on several things, including whether you are enqueueing scripts or styles, and whether they will be used on front-end pages, admin pages, or login pages.

Get on the Grid!

Presented by Tracy Rotton in Designer.

CSS Grids are here! In this talk, I’ll go over the basics of the new specification including:

  • The history of layouts in CSS and how we got here.
  • How CSS Grids differ from Flexbox.
  • How to apply them to responsive design.
  • Browser support.

Getting Started with Advanced Custom Fields

Presented by Jonathan Ober in Designer.

I would like to introduce people to the most powerful plugin which changed my life over two years ago, and teach everyone to the benefits of using Advanced Custom Fields.

Learning WordPress with WordPress’ Core

Presented by Tom Carney in Designer.

The presentation will cover various code reading and searching techniques within the WordPress core to solve problems ranging from the simple to complex questions.

Systems and Processes for Creatives

Presented by Lauren Pittenger in Designer.

As creatives, we have a lot on our plates. Keeping it all straight can be a real challenge, particularly for those of us to whom it does not come naturally.

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Your Web Presence)

Presented by Beth Fritzinger in Designer.

A few months (okay, years) late to the party, I just finished reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo’s guide to the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing. I went through all the steps–sorting, discarding, storing–and while doing so, something occurred to me. Couldn’t I apply the same logic to a website? Better yet, an entire web presence?

Traversing the Template Hierarchy in Designland

Presented by Dustin Leer in Designer.

Learn about WordPress’ template system so you won’t be bound by just a page builder plugin. With this, we will unleash the power that is locked in the template system and learn to build on WordPress’ built in template structure!

Find Out More

Visit the Schedule page to see all the tracks and talks lined up for WordCamp Philly 2017. Then head over to the Ticket page to get your tickets for the event.