Don’t Let the Acronyms Scare You: the Developer Track Is for Many Levels

The WordCamp Philly 2017 Developer track talks include several long titles, but don’t be intimidated. The track contains a little something for everyone regardless of skill level. Find out more about WordPress security, grasp the basics of creating a shortcode, learn about translation strategies and plugins or dive into more advanced WordPress development on October 28.

The sessions and speakers for the Developer track are:

Advanced Topics in WordPress

Presented by Aaron Jorbin in Developer.

This talk will cover advanced topics in WordPress development.

Alternative Hacks: WordPress Security From the Outside Looking In

Presented by Daniel Olson in Developer.

From plugins that promise a layer of security to lofty opinions about file permissions, it’s hard to tell what works. Simply put, a security plan that aims to slow down someone who’s already in your house isn’t really a plan. I’d like to discuss security as the foundation of a site rather than an add-on and approach this idea from the outside looking in. We’ll cover a high-level process on how to enhance security with version control, hosting and access management, third party integrations and more. My goal is to highlight flaws in common practices and present alternative ones to create more secure WordPress sites. As a developer working with businesses and Universities with thousands of hacking attempts per day I’ve learned what works.

Building a Progressive Web App WooCommerce Theme Using PRPL Principles, Polymer, and Node

Presented by Jonathan Belcher in Developer.

Using WooCommerce, Progressive Web App, and PRPL principles I will show how to create an eCommerce store that is blazing fast even on slow connections and on less capable devices. This talk and accompanying GitHub repository will delve into using the WooCommerce and WordPress APIs to power a front end JavaScript application and act as a reference implementation for the creation of a PWA WooCommerce theme.

Create Your First Shortcode

Presented by Sal Ferrarello in Developer.

You may already be using shortcodes like [gravityform id=”456″ name=”Contact Us”] or inserting a gallery, but after this session, you’ll be able to create your own. Shortcodes are an excellent tool when you want to execute PHP code within your content. It is going to be lots of [synonym_for_fun].

Data Based Sites (Or: How Sara Lance Made Me Cry)

Presented by Mika Epstein in Developer.

Designing your website involves understanding the structure of the data within. Designing your data comes down to how you store it. At its base level, everything on your site is a post, but the way you handle the data WITHIN the posts is how you can plan for growth, adaption, adoption, and the future. Building a site today involves making sure the data is easily consumable by multiple formats, like AMP, JSON APIs, and Alexa Echo Skills. And it all starts with understanding the data you’re using. Even if that data is from TV.

Using Github, Probo.CI, WordPress CFM, and Other Tools to Professionalize Your WordPress Dev Workflows

Presented by Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg in Developer.

While WordPress is known as a great platform for content editors and non-developers, many developers see the platform as an unprofessional tool that is extremely difficult to work with via normal version control, testing, and deployment tools. But, as WP enters further into the enterprise, the demand for WP developers to use “professional” DevOps and dev practices is growing quickly. In this session, I will review how to “professionalize” your WP dev workflows using Github, the WordPress CFM plugin, Probo.CI, and other CI/CD/DevOps tools. This demo will also look at WP Engine and as examples of hosts that currently support git workflows, though other hosts are welcome to demo their toolset as well.

WordPress Translations

Presented by Carlos Zuniga in Developer.

This talk covers strategies for translating WordPress and WordPress plugins.

Find Out More

Visit the Schedule page to see all the tracks and talks lined up for WordCamp Philly 2017. Then head over to the Ticket page to get your tickets for the event.